/*jslint browser: true, white: true */ /*global console,jQuery,megamenu,window,navigator*/ /** * EDD Ajax Cart */ (function($) { "use strict"; $(function() { $('body').on('edd_cart_item_added', function(event, data) { $('.mega-menu-edd-cart-total').html(data.total); $('.mega-menu-edd-cart-count').html(data.cart_quantity); }); }); $(".max-mega-menu").on("after_mega_menu_init", function() { $('li.mega-menu-megamenu').on('open_panel', function() { // reset default var placeholder = $(this).closest(".mega-menu-megamenu").find(".widget_maxmegamenu_image_swap img.mega-placeholder"); var default_src = placeholder.attr('data-default-src'); placeholder.attr('src', default_src); // preload $('.mega-sub-menu [data-image-swap-url]', $(this) ).not(['data-preloaded']).each( function() { $('')[0].src = $(this).attr('data-image-swap-url'); $(this).attr('data-preloaded', 'true'); }); }); $('.mega-sub-menu [data-image-swap-url]').hoverIntent({ over: function () { var placeholder = $(this).closest(".mega-menu-megamenu").find(".widget_maxmegamenu_image_swap img.mega-placeholder"); var new_src = $(this).attr('data-image-swap-url'); placeholder.attr('src', new_src); }, out: function() {} }); }); })(jQuery); /** * Searchbox jQuery plugin */ (function($) { "use strict"; $.maxmegamenu_searchbox = function(form, options) { var plugin = this; var form = $(form); var $menu = form.parents('.max-mega-menu'); var $wrap = $menu.parent(); var breakpoint = $menu.attr('data-breakpoint'); var input = $('input[type=text]', form); var icon = $('.search-icon', form); plugin.isDesktopView = function() { return Math.max(window.outerWidth, $(window).width()) >= breakpoint; // account for scrollbars }; plugin.monitorView = function() { if (typeof $menu.data("view") === 'undefined') { if (plugin.isDesktopView()) { $menu.data("view", "desktop"); } else { $menu.data("view", "mobile"); } } plugin.checkWidth(); $(window).resize(function() { plugin.checkWidth(); }); }; plugin.checkWidth = function() { var expanding_search = $("li.mega-menu-item .mega-search.expand-to-left input[type=text], li.mega-menu-item .mega-search.expand-to-right input[type=text]", $menu); if ( $menu.data("view") === "mobile" ) { var placeholder = expanding_search.attr('data-placeholder'); expanding_search.attr('placeholder', placeholder); } if ( $menu.data("view") === "desktop" ) { expanding_search.attr('placeholder', ''); } }; plugin.close_search = function() { input.val(""); input.attr('placeholder', ''); form.removeClass('mega-search-open'); form.addClass('mega-search-closed'); } plugin.open_search = function() { input.attr('placeholder', input.attr('data-placeholder')); form.removeClass('mega-search-closed'); form.addClass('mega-search-open'); } plugin.detect_background_click = function() { var dragging = false; $(document).on({ "touchmove": function(e) { dragging = true; }, "touchstart": function(e) { dragging = false; } }); $(document).on("click touchend", function(e) { // hide menu when clicked away from if ( form.parent().hasClass('mega-static') ) { return; } if ( ! dragging && ! $(e.target).closest(".max-mega-menu li").length && ! $(e.target).closest(".mega-menu-toggle").length ) { plugin.close_search(); } dragging = false; }); } plugin.init_replacements_search = function() { input.val(""); if ( $menu.data("view") === "mobile" ) { $(".search-icon", $menu).on('click', function(e) { $(this).parents(".mega-search").submit(); }); } if ( $menu.data("view") === "desktop" ) { input.on('focus', function(e) { if (! form.parent().hasClass('mega-static') && form.hasClass('mega-search-closed') && $wrap.hasClass('mega-keyboard-navigation') ) { plugin.open_search(); } }); input.on('blur', function(e) { if (! form.parent().hasClass('mega-static') && form.hasClass('mega-search-open') && $wrap.hasClass('mega-keyboard-navigation') ) { plugin.close_search(); } }); icon.on('click', function(e) { if (form.parent().hasClass('mega-static') ) { form.submit(); return; } if (form.hasClass('mega-search-closed')) { plugin.open_search(); input.focus(); } else if ( input.val() == '' ) { plugin.close_search(); } else { form.submit(); } }); } }; plugin.monitorView(); plugin.init_replacements_search(); plugin.detect_background_click(); }; $.fn.maxmegamenu_searchbox = function(options) { return this.each(function() { if (undefined === $(this).data('maxmegamenu_searchbox')) { var plugin = new $.maxmegamenu_searchbox(this, options); $(this).data('maxmegamenu_searchbox', plugin); } }); }; $(function() { $(".max-mega-menu .mega-search").maxmegamenu_searchbox(); }); })(jQuery); /** * Searchbox jQuery plugin */ (function($) { "use strict"; $.maxmegamenu_toggle_searchbox = function(form, options) { var plugin = this; var form = $(form); var $wrap = form.parents('.mega-menu-wrap'); var input = $("input[type=text]", form); var icon = $(".search-icon", form); plugin.open_search = function() { input.attr('placeholder', input.attr('data-placeholder')); form.removeClass('mega-search-closed'); form.addClass('mega-search-open'); } plugin.close_search = function() { input.attr('placeholder', ''); form.removeClass('mega-search-open'); form.addClass('mega-search-closed'); } plugin.init_toggle_search = function() { input.val(""); input.on('focus', function(e) { if (! 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next(); }); }; plugin.unstick_menu = function(doing_resize) { doing_resize = doing_resize || false; is_stuck = false; $wrap.removeClass('mega-sticky').removeClass('mega-hide').css({ 'margin' : '', 'width' : '', 'left': '' }); $("body").removeClass($menu.attr("id") + "-mega-sticky"); if ( ! doing_resize ) { // this class is used for the height transition, do not remove it if we are simply resizing the window $wrap.delay(0).queue(function(next){ $(this).removeClass('mega-stuck'); next(); }); } $menu.css({ 'margin-left' : '', 'max-width' : '', 'left' : '', 'width' : '' }); if (sticky_transition == 'true' && ! doing_resize ) { var delay = 250; // allows the transiton to complete before unwrapping the menu } else { var delay = 0; } $wrap.delay(delay).queue(function(next){ $(this).unwrap(); next(); }); }; plugin.mega_sticky_on_scroll = function(){ if ( ! sticky_enabled() ) { return; } var scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll_top > sticky_menu_offset_top) { if (!is_stuck) { plugin.stick_menu(); } } else { if (is_stuck) { plugin.unstick_menu(); } } }; var mega_hide_on_scroll_up = function() { if (sticky_hide_until_scroll_up_enabled()) { if ( $menu.data("view") === "mobile" && $('.mega-menu-toggle', $wrap).hasClass('mega-menu-open') ) { return; } var scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop(); if ( scroll_top < sticky_hide_until_scroll_up_offset ) { $wrap.removeClass('mega-hide'); $("body").removeClass($menu.attr("id") + "-mega-hide"); } saved_scroll_top = last_scroll_top; if (scroll_top < last_scroll_top) { // scroll up if (saved_scroll_top - scroll_top > sticky_hide_until_scroll_up_tolerance) { $wrap.removeClass('mega-hide'); $("body").removeClass($menu.attr("id") + "-mega-hide"); } } else { // scroll down if (is_stuck && scroll_top - saved_scroll_top > sticky_hide_until_scroll_up_tolerance) { $wrap.addClass('mega-hide'); $("body").addClass($menu.attr("id") + "-mega-hide"); } } last_scroll_top = scroll_top; } } plugin.mega_sticky_on_resize = function() { if ($('input', $wrap).is(':focus')) { return; 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$(this).data('maxmegamenu_sticky', plugin); } }); }; $(window).on('load', function (e) { $(".mega-menu[data-sticky-enabled]").maxmegamenu_sticky(); }); })(jQuery); /** * Handle tabbed functionality */ (function($) { $(function() { var calculate_tabbed_sub_menu_widths = function( menu_item ) { var menu = menu_item.parents('.max-mega-menu'); if( $(menu.attr('data-panel-inner-width')).length > 0 ) { if ( menu.data("view") === "desktop" ) { $('> ul.mega-sub-menu', menu_item).each(function() { var tab_content = $(this); var parent_submenu_content_width = parseInt(tab_content.width()); var parent_submenu_left_padding = parseInt(tab_content.css('paddingLeft')); var tabs_width = $(this).find('a.mega-menu-link').first().outerWidth(); $('> li.mega-menu-item > ul.mega-sub-menu', $(this)).each(function() { $(this).css('width', parent_submenu_content_width - tabs_width + 'px'); $(this).css('left', parent_submenu_left_padding + tabs_width + 'px'); }); }); } else { $('> ul.mega-sub-menu > li.mega-menu-item > ul.mega-sub-menu', menu_item).each(function() { $(this).css('width', ''); 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